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Directory listing form

Directory listings are free for members. If you are not a BAVBC member, you can join here 

Please fill out the form below and press Submit to send it.

Choose the relevant category/categories for your listing. If your business falls under more than one category, ie a pub and accommodation add both.


Businesses located in one of the villages should also add a "villages" category.

You will need to send us two photographs to illustrate each listing – no business cards please. The format on the website is a square so please ensure that your photograph will work in that shape. Email photos to Put your business name in the subject field.

• Please note that the details you enter below are for publication. You are responsible to ensure the details for your listing are correct and up-to-date. If you need help with a listing or need to alter, correct or remove an existing listing, simply email

Fields marked * are required for the listing

Tick the relevant categories for your business

Thanks for adding your listing!

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